Since 1950, The Argentine Society of Physiology gathers scientists from Argentina who investigate in the field of human physiology.
The Argentine Society of Physiology was created with two fundamental drivers: to create a scientific and academic forum that could offer an institutional frame to individuals and groups dedicated to doing research work in Physiology, and to sponsor and promote the consolidation of those groups committed to academic progress in the field. With these aims in mind, the Argentine Society of Physiology organizes regular scientific meetings and conferences, encourages different activities that contribute to the field, and provides proper media to divulge the Society and its members activities.
The Argentine Society of Physiological Sciences was founded by Dr. Bernardo Houssay (Nobel Prize of Physiology and Medicine 1947) on March 23, 1950. Dr. Houssay was also the first president of the Society.
The Society participated in the organization of the International Meeting of Physiological Sciences, held in Buenos Aires in 1959, and frequent meetings in different cities of Argentina. It was also the engine for the foundation of the Latin-American Society of Physiological Sciences (ALACF).
In 2003 and on Dr. Mario Parisi initiative, it was reorganized as the Argentine Society of Physiology (SAFIS), and got its legal entity. SAFIS organized the XXII ALACF meeting, held in Buenos Aires in 2006. Ever since, SAFIS has organized national annual meetings, which were held individually or jointly with other biological science societies.
In 2010, SAFIS organized the First Physiology Teaching Meeting focused in the common issues regarding education of the Physiological Sciences. Ever since, the Teaching Meeting has been held biannually in the context of SAFIS meetings.
SAFIS is a member of the ALACF
and the Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS).
Executive Board 2023-2025
Graciela Cremaschi
Enrique Sanchez Pozzi
Alicia Klecha
Germán E. Gonzalez
Vocal Members
Carolina Jaquenod de Guisti
Silvina Villanueva
Cecilia Mundiña
Andrea Fellet
Vanina Netti
Romina Hermann
Andrea Chisari
Sara Molinas
Horacio Cantiello
Marcela Vazquez
Education Committee
María de Lujan Alvarez
Roxana Elesgaray
Carlos Valverde
María Rivarola
Emiliano Diez
Paola Vanina Boarelli
Nicolas Enrique